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The Lamb of God School is an interdenominational school that supports Christian families by providing an outstanding educational environment consistent with the Christian beliefs taught in your home.

In partnership with parents, we seek to minister to each child by developing academic excellence and imparting a personal knowledge of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

As an interdenominational Christian school we call students, faculty, and parents to an ever deeper commitment to believing, living and spreading the central elements of the Christian faith held in common by the historic Christian churches.

The Lamb of God School 5 Top Priorities

1.  To nurture a personal relationship with God and encourage sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
2.  To model and encourage honor, respect and self-discipline as ways of loving one’s neighbor.
3.  To create a loving environment that nurtures growth through acceptance, positive learning experiences and the appreciation of each one’s gifts.
4.  To support and inspire parents as they raise up a new generation in the Lord.
5.  To encourage academic excellence and a love of learning in our students.